I love winter, most of the time but mostly when I’m wrapped up warm indoors, or festooned in scarf and thermal hat if outside.   The crisp frost has always appealed to me.  Just looking around at the garden on a frosty morning brings great joy;  I love the feeling of a crisp lawn under foot.  Mind you we should not be walking on lawns in winter, particularly a frosted one as it beaks down essential molecules within the soil structure through the impact.   It is generally too difficult to dig the land in winter but there’s nothing to stop us having a good look over the dormancy – picking out shrubs and bushes that particularly performed well, or sadly, did not.  If the garden is very full, no sentimentality can be afforded to plants that fail to pay back the love we give those that don’t try hard!  Now is the time to do some weeding if possible, making sure we get the whole root out and not just the top of the plant.  Cutting back deadwood and pruning most shrubs down to lowest outer point buds will do a fantastic improving job.